
Make a trip to a shopping mall like no other, where you can earn real-life rewards just for browsing around for a few minutes, with our innovative shopping-experience game called Vidoki Shopfront. Explore the shopping centre and earn our unique virtual currency called Vidokens, then use these plus some cash to grab a bargain from our discount store, or spend only Vidokens to snap up a freebie from our free store. Customer announcements may award you extra store-card points which boost your spending power but can also deduct them, so watch out!

You can take a break from shopping and put your feet up to watch our in-house videos, promoting our partners’ and associates’ brands, which you can also  find for sale at discounted prices from our on-line store. There are also some instant prizes to be won for some lucky shoppers. So pack your shopping bags and visit us now to start accumulating your Vidokens for a buying experience not to be missed!

To play any of our games please download and fill in the NDA form and send it to us via our Contact page . We will then send you the access codes for all the games to enable you to log in and play them.